The Italian Society for the History of Science / Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza (SISS) is pleased to announce a new Seminar Series:
SISS Meets Early Careers - 2nd series 2025
The series is conceived as an informal place for early career scholars to discuss their research, present, future and past. Each session focuses on broad themes in the history of science and knowledge, bringing together diverse approaches, methodologies and chronologies. The series is open to international scholars and broad collaboration between disciplinary fields.
All seminars are held online on Zoom:
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25th March 2025, 4.30pm CET
Dr Anca-Delia Moldovan (University of Warwick)
Title: Artisans and Mother Nature in Stradano’s Nova Reperta (1580s)
29th April 2025, 4.30pm CET
Dr Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva (University of St Andrews, United Kingdom)
Title: When Infectious Diseases Became Wild: Plague, Yellow Fever, and Disease Ecology in the Brazilian Hinterland (1920-1975)
27th May 2025, 4.30pm CET
Dr Duygu Yıldırım (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA)
Title: From Tunis to Florence: Materiality, Everyday Encounters, and the Limits of Knowledge
10th June 2025, 4.30pm CET
Dannylo de Azevedo (University of Pisa and University of Lisbon)
Title: Intermittency in the scientific collaboration networks of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences in the Late 18th Century