Calendario eventi
Galileo e la diffusione del compasso di proporzione
Giornata di studi in memoria di Enrico Giusti / A conference day in memory of Enrico Giusti
Martedì 1 ottobre 2024 / Tuesday 1 October 2024
Il seminario online – che si svolgerà dalle 14:30 alle 17:30 – è l’evento conclusivo della mostra Circinus. Compassi di proporzione dal XV al XVIII secolo, allestita presso il Museo Galileo in collaborazione con l’Arithmeum di Bonn dal 26 giugno al 15 settembre 2024. La straordinaria esposizione di splendidi compassi provenienti dalle raccolte dell’Arithmeum e dell‘Astronomisch-
La giornata è dedicata a Enrico Giusti, fondatore del Giardino di Archimede e importante storico della matematica, recentemente scomparso, cui si devono contributi decisivi su alcuni dei protagonisti della matematica moderna, da Fibonacci a Piero della Francesca, Maurolico, Galileo. La mostra Oltre il compasso, dedicata alla geometria delle curve, è una delle molte iniziative da lui curate per il Museo Galileo.
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The webinar —which will be held from 14:30 to 17:30— is the concluding event related to the exhibition Circinus: Proportional Compasses from the 15th to the 18th Century, held at the Museo Galileo from June 26 until September 15, 2024, and organized in collaboration with the Arithmeum in Bonn. The extraordinary display of splendid compasses from the collections of the Arithmeum and the Astronomisch-Physikalisches Kabinett – Hessen Kassel Heritage, as well as from important private collections, made it possible to re-examine the crucial moment of the invention of one of the most important instruments of Western practical mathematics. An invention that Galileo’s contribution brought to the fore on the international scene, inspiring numerous variations by technicians, mathematicians and renowned scientific instrument makers. The workshop examines some conceptual and practical aspects of Galileo’s invention, its rapid diffusion in Europe and its first dissemination in China by Jesuit mathematicians.
The conference is dedicated to Enrico Giusti, who has recently passed away. Founder of the Giardino di Archimede and important historian of mathematics, he was responsible for significant contributions on some of the protagonists of modern mathematics, from Fibonacci to Piero della Francesca, Maurolico and Galileo. The exhibition Oltre il compasso, dedicated to the geometry of curves, is one of the several initiatives he curated for the Museo Galileo.
Programme (Italian only)
The webinar will be held in Italian.
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