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Inquire, Fourth Annual Conference: Scrutinizing the Devil’s Plots: Magic, Witchcraft, and Inquisitions (XIV-XIX century)
Da Giovedì 03 Ottobre 2024
a Venerdì 04 Ottobre 2024
Visite : 1275

Fourth Annual Conference of Inquire, intitled "Scrutinizing the Devil’s Plots: Magic, Witchcraft, and Inquisitions (XIV-XIX century)", will be held from 3rd to 4th October at Triora (IM).


Scientific coordination: Prof. Irene Bueno, Vincenzo Lavenia, Riccardo Parmeggiani

Foundation year: 2020

Scientific board:

Fausto Arici (Theological Faculty of Emilia Romagna), John Arnold (University of Cambridge), Andreea Badea (Goethe University of Frankfurt), Marina Benedetti (University of Milan), Massimo Bucciantini (University of Siena), Lucia Ceci (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Mario Conetti (University of Insubria), Matteo  Duni (Syracuse University in Florence), Bruno Feitler (Federal University of São Paulo), Thomas Fudge (University of New England), Jean-Pascal Gay (UCLouvain), Kimberly Lynn (Western Washington University), Roberto López Vela (University of Cantábria), Giuseppe Marcocci (University of Oxford), Martine Ostorero (University of Lausanne), José Pedro Paiva (University of Coimbra), Sylvain Parent (École Normale Superieure, Lyon), Sylvain Piron (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris), Marco Rainini (Catholic University of Milan), Lucy  Sackville (University of York), Thomas Scharff (Technical University of Braunschweig), Violet Soen (Catholic University of Leuven), Dennj Solera (University of Siena), Julien Théry (University of Lyon II), Gabriel Torres Puga (Colégio de México).

Secretariat: Dennj Solera  Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


The scope of this research centre is to promote research and meetings concerning the inquisitions from an interdisciplinary and diachronic perspective, which looks at the entire history of the office from the medieval to the modern age and in different areas of the world. The main activities of INQUIRE involve the organisation of a yearly workshop; the regular publication of the proceedings, as well as monographs and editions of sources; and the development of a website aimed to update scholars, students and all those interested on the sources, images, and bibliographies of the history of inquisitions.

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