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CfP (Deadline Full Paper Submission) A History of Thermodynamics: Homage to Sadi Carnot's Rèflexions sur la Puissance motrice du feu 1824–2024 (History of Physics Springer Collection Book series)
Domenica 30 Giugno 2024
Visite : 1502

CfP [History of Physics Springer Collection Book series  A History of Thermodynamics: Homage to Sadi Carnot's Rèflexions sur la Puissance motrice du feu 1824–2024. Selected Essays as New Historical Insights into the Physics-Mathematics Relationship. Springer. Expected 2025.


All submitted abstract for Carnot Lille 2024 symposia/talks, which meet the criteria of originality and quality, will be peer–reviewed for the acceptance. The abstracts can be: Accepted, or Accepted after by Minor or Major Revision, or Rejected.

Please submit your Abstract-Proposal to: raffaele.pisano @ (in English), Free editing, no Template, Two Pages Maximum, including the following: Name and Surname, Affiliation, Abstract, Key words, Short list of References; by an attachment PDF file only.

Deadline [extended] Abstract-Proposal: 20th of January of 2024.
Deadline Full Paper Submission: 30th of June 2024
Expected Publication: 2025
Further details: