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Deadline: 2024 Nuncius Prize
Venerdì 31 Maggio 2024
Visite : 1276
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2024 Nuncius Prize. Announcing the 2nd Nuncius Essay Award

Nuncius is a peer-reviewed and international journal devoted to the history of the material and visual culture in science. Published three times a year by Brill and under the auspices of the Museo Galileo in Florence, Nuncius explores the material sources of scientific endeavor, such as scientific instruments and collections, and the specific settings of experimental practice, as well as the visual cultures of science and interactions between sciences and arts.

The 2024 Nuncius Prize, which is supported by Brill, will be awarded to the best original essay related to the material and visual history of science, technology and medicine in any period. A great opportunity for graduate students and early career researchers!

The winner will receive a cash prize of €500 and the open-access publication in Nuncius. Three honourable mentions (€100 of Brill book tokens each) will also be provided. All entries will be published as articles in Nuncius pending peer review.

Deadline for entries is 31 May 2024. Further information available at:

Take a look at 2022 Nuncius prize essays!

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