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Deadline Call for Abstracts Congresso SISFA 2024
Domenica 16 Giugno 2024
Visite : 590

XLIV National Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy

The 44th National Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy will take place in Florence on 17-20 September 2024.

The main venue will be the Department of Physics and Astronomy (Garbasso building in Arcetri) of the University of Florence and the INAF - Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory.

The Congress

The Congress is one of a well-established series that SISFA has been organizing yearly since its foundation. It aims at promoting research activities in the history of physics and astronomy in Italy, carried out not only by academic historians but also by independent scholars and school teachers willing to explore the role of the history of physics and astronomy in the present-day teaching of the disciplines. At the same time, the Congress provides an opportunity to strengthen collaborations and establish new links among the members of SISFA and the members of other scholarly societies, as well as researchers working in the same and related fields.

Historians of physics and astronomy are then invited to participate and the invitation is extended to all the scholars and researchers sharing the same kind of interests.

The Congress will host both invited talks and oral communications. The official languages will be both Italian and English.

The SISFA award for the Best Graduate Thesis in History of Physics or History of Astronomy (Premio di Laurea SISFA2024) will be awarded during the Congress.

Te call for abstract has been extended to June 16 2024.

Abstracts should be submitted in English using the form that appears by clicking the button Submit new abstract on the Congress web page:

Luogo Florence