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PhD position_Northwestern Italian Philosophy Convention FINO
Lunedì 26 Giugno 2023, 12:00
Visite : 767
Call for Applications
1 PhD position in the history of science (3 years, fully funded), Northwestern Italian Philosophy Convention FINO (
The position is funded by Prof. Roberto Lalli, in relation to his participation to the multinational collaboration of the ERC AdG Project Neworld@a: Negotiating World Research Data – A Science Diplomacy Study ( The location will be the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin. A mobility period of six months at the University of Manchester is planned.
The theme of the PhD research project will be: "The history and politics of techno-scientific standardization in the international arena” .
The PhD student will analyze the negotiations—among scientists, institutions, and countries—to set standards in physics and chemistry in the 20th century and the impact of this international standard-setting process on the processes of establishing word data centers and the global system of scientific data exchange. 
The ideal candidate should:
- have experience with the transnational approach to the historiography of science and technology
- combine research on the history of physics and/or chemistry in the 20th century with research on the history of international relations 
- demonstrate an excellent level of English (written and spoken) 
- have discrete reading knowledge of French and German. 
The committee will assess candidates' qualifications:
a. Graduation mark (or arithmetic mean of the marks obtained during the Master’s Degree if the candidate has applied before the attainment of the second-level degree), Index and abstract of the thesis (max 500 words), extract of the master’s thesis (max 3000 words including bibliographic references)
b. publications and other scientific titles
c. research project (max 3000 words) drafted by the candidate, consistent with the research topics of the PhD course 
d. two reference letters
The deadline for the application is June 26, 12 am CET. 
Call in English
Call in Italian 
For receiving more information about the project, please contact: