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Deadline CFP LYNX Summer School  “Dissonances. Re-interpreting and re-assessing difficult heritage” (Keynote sessions’ attendance)
Domenica 25 Giugno 2023, 09:00
Visite : 799

LYNX Summer School 

“Dissonances. Re-interpreting and re-assessing difficult heritage”

13-14-15 July 2023

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

Piazza San Francesco 19, Lucca (Italy)

Call for applications

Re-interpreting difficult heritage has been at the center of recent public and academic debate, through among others the Confederate monuments’ discussion, the Rhodes Must Fall and the Black Lives Matter protest movements, addressing issues of occupying public space and re-assessing the colonial, traumatic and difficult past. These phenomena also involve communities and scholarship worldwide, questioning the colonial and dissonant material traces and legacies that are still visible in public spaces (from small hamlets to global megalopolis), and urging cultural institutions and practitioners to come to terms with these issues. Which display processes and practices can be employed or designed by institutions preserving cultural heritage (museums, libraries, galleries, etc.)? How are scholarships of different orientations taking these instances into account? Which endeavours are art practitioners putting to work to deal with memories (collective, communitarian, personal) of traumatic, difficult pasts? 

Starting from the notion of difficult heritage (Macdonald 2010, Carter & Martin 2019, Malone 2019), we are interested in addressing and analyzing, on a case-study basis,  the dissonances that emerge from conflictual interpretations of spaces and contexts  (monuments, street names, museums, archives, collections, buildings, etc.) across different historical periods and geographies.

The school is centered around an interdisciplinary approach, aiming at creating a dialogue among different fields of research and areas of inquiry from the social sciences (sociology, art management, cultural economy, anthropology, law, etc.) and humanities (art history, archaeology, aesthetics, digital humanities, curatorial studies, museum studies, history, etc.).

Acknowledging the current growing interest in the decolonial option (Mignolo & Walsh 2018) as a lens through which we can scrutinize these cases, the Summer School does not limit itself to this theoretical framework but instead calls for multiple and diverse methodological approaches, questioning the very applicability of a single lens by centering the specificities of different case studies. 

The Summer School will offer the occasion to deepen those frameworks, propose new methodological approaches, and take inspiration from international case studies.

The call is open to PhD students and early-stage researchers interested in submitting their proposal on the following topics:

The Summer School will be held in English. The program will be constantly updated, so please check our website and social profiles.


The School

The Summer School is designed around two main formats: keynote lectures (which also include a roundtable) and discussion circles. 

Beyond these research-oriented events, the School pays particular attention to the social activities (screenings, breaks, social meals) in order to foster informal discussions and friendly sharing of ideas and future projects. 

The publication of selected contributions from the Summer School is currently being discussed with editorial collaborators. 

Participation options

Here are listed the possible options to attend the school:


To participate in the school, interested participants should send an abstract (max 300 words, in addition to a bibliography of max 120 words) pertaining to one of the above-mentioned topics and a short biography (150 words) to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.. We invite proposals for contributions suitable for a 15 minutes presentation, which can derive from ongoing researches, PhD thesis, published and unpublished articles, or artistic and practice-based projects. The presentations by participants will take place during discussion circles, in equipped rooms with projectors, Wi-fi connection, and blackboard.  

Discussion circles are an integral part of the summer school and will be designed based on successful applications, therefore already formed panels will not be accepted. 

The selection process will start right after the submission deadline and confirmed participants will be notified in a reasonable advance in order to organize their travel. Payment details will be provided soon after the selection notification. After receiving proof of payment, the official confirmation of attendance will be sent.

The deadline for submitting the application is 15 April 2023 h. 11.59 pm (CET).

To attend only the keynote speeches, interested participants should write an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.. Payment details will be provided afterwards. After receiving proof of payment, the confirmation of attendance will be sent. As for the online participation, the link will be provided as the event approaches. 

No selection process is required. 

The deadline for sending the email to attend keynote sessions is 25 June 2023 h.11.59 pm (CET).

For any further information about the Summer School, please emailQuesto indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Instagram: @lynxlucca
Twitter: @lynxlucca

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