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Paper Heritage Making: Mexican Treasury and Baroque Rome
Da Lunedì 27 Giugno 2022 -  09:00
a Martedì 28 Giugno 2022 - 17:00
Visite : 1018
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Paper Heritage Making: Mexican Treasury and Baroque Rome, International Workshop, Rome, 27-28 June, 2022

This exploratory workshop has been designed with a two-fold purpose. On the one hand, it aims to substantially contribute to the conceptualisation and design of a ground-breaking digital humanities project dedicated to the so-called Tesoro Messicano (Mexican Treasury) and its multiple production and circulation contexts between the old and new worlds. On the other hand, it introduces a series of working meetings that are expected to boost a highly innovative research agenda focusing on the complex relationships between cultural heritage and history.

(see the program at:

This workshop results from the collaboration of: Sabina Brevaglieri (Humboldt University– Berlin; scientific Coordinator); Mariana Françozo (University Leiden), Federica Favino (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Matthijs Jonker (KNIR), José Pardo-Tomás (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona), Emma Sallent Del Colombo (University of Barcelona)